A lot of our clients need business immigration solutions that go beyond what Canada has to offer. We offer our clients comprehensive alternatives to business investment immigration through our subsidiaries.
We provide successful, internationally mobile, high-income individuals and their families with excellent advice and expertise in secondary residency and citizenship by investment opportunities.
We understand that the field of global investment immigration is a complex, dynamic and interconnected business community made up of accomplished entrepreneurs who need access to planning strategies based on settlements and wealth preservation, in a variety of international settings.
Under the guidance of attorney Colin Singer, managing partner of canadav.com and a leading international immigration attorney for the past 25 years, we offer our business clients and their families simple, comprehensive and reliable solutions that provide secondary residency and citizenship by investment opportunities through our network of experienced professionals.
Our legal office in Canada employs more than 25 licensed attorneys, licensed immigration consultants and technical personnel. Our office also represents international celebrities in the fashion and performing arts industry as well as some of the largest companies in North America in immigration and employment projects. We are frequently involved by companies based in Canada and the USA to provide immigration consulting services as well as research and professional recruitment advice to technical and executive staff. At our company, we all pride ourselves on our ability to provide cost-effective solutions to our network of corporate clients, human resource managers and freelance business owners.
Alternative residency through investment immigration programs becomes an important consideration for many financially wealthy individuals. We often represent investors looking for financial solutions to address the implications of international tax agreements such as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) 2014 and the 2014 OECD / G20 Standard on Automatic Exchange of Information.
We welcome the opportunity to provide our customers with multiple menu accommodation options that improve the quality of life, educational opportunities and provide the flexibility to travel in a safe environment for the family.